Here at Encounter Christian Fellowship:

Our Mission is to inspire faithfulness. We use the 4 T’s as a reassurance that anyone can have hope through relationships with our church and hope of God’s Word.  

Time – Talent – Treasure – Testimony



When we truly understand that time is a gift given freely by God because of his generous grace; we will not want to take it for granted.

Throughout Scripture God commands us to put Him first. Placing God as number one in our lives means that in every decision we make, we involve Him. When God is part of our family, our work, our relationships and our possessions that is when He is the most honored.  


Everyone has a gift. Some of your skills and gifts have been given to you for divine reasons and others have been given different talents as a way to bless others and provide for their family. 

 We strongly encourage people to seek God for confidence in their ability to use their gifts. Hopefully, we can help identify your talents and gifts and you will live in step with the Lord, glorifying Him with your abilities. 


 Honoring God with any portion of our lives – including with our money-takes discipline, persistence and grace. Our prayer for each person is to be blessed financially and be able to honor God and make good decisions with finances. 

 Staying out of debt, being able to provide, and having a steady job are all things we desire for each person. We understand that isn’t the case for everyone. However, no matter what your income is there is still opportunity to honor God with your finances. 

 Many people ask what our stance on tithing and giving is? We recognize the importance of tithing 10% as we have been instructed to in the Bible. We see this as a personal response to the blessings God has provided and as opportunity to contribute to the church ministry. 

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.” Proverbs 3:9 


Our personal testimonies about God’s goodness are encouraging to ourselves and for the people who hear them. Our stories speak of the grace of God and we are privileged to share these experiences. 

 Jesus Christ is greater than any problem, bad habit or sin in your life. Your testimony along with a changed life reveals the proof that Jesus rescued you! Everyone has their own story and we look forward to hearing them, as you feel comfortable sharing them. 

Your story is a true story of God’s redeeming and saving love!